Friday, August 14, 2015

Helpful Tips: Statement Backpacks and Back-To-School Thoughts

It's about that time where we can all feel the summer coming to an end. Last minute family vacations are being crammed in, camps are ending, and back to school shopping begins.
Shopping for clothing and school supplies for the fall is one of my favorite types of shopping. School still hasn't officially started, and the idea of starting a whole new year is thrilling. Imagine what new relationships will be formed and what old friendships will be re-kindled after a summer apart.
In just a few weeks I will be starting my senior year of high school. The mere idea of being a senior is insane. Now my friends and I are the "senior girls" admired by freshman and the "senior guys" obsessed over by freshman. But senior year is not just about ruling the school. The first half of the year comes with a lot of stress. Applying to college is no longer a distant thought, it is actually something that we have to do along with other normal school work. In fact, I was supposed to start writing my essay this week. Unfortunately it's hard for me to grasp the idea that I have to actually start writing and not just thinking about what I should write. For now, I just want to get back to school, see all my friends, and rewire myself to the everyday tedious schedule that is high school. 
But one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking things about starting school is wanting to make a good first impression. Even though I may have already known these people for years, I always worry about what I should do on the first day, no scratch that, the first WEEK of school. What should I wear, how should I do my hair, what backpack should I get. It's just more pointless stress in my life, but it's a routine. If I have done it every year before than I might as well my last year of high school.

Below are some adorable backpacks that are perfect for making a back-to-school statement.


Song stuck in my head right now: Corner of The Sky - Pippin

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