Thursday, January 21, 2016

Helpful Tips: 7 Ways to Truly Enjoy Winter

The winter is cold, and I'm not really a cold weather person. But there are ways to make this season more enjoyable. Tricks for healthier and brighter skin, sweet treats, and tricks for rejuvenation on snow days. 
Whatever it is you need more of in your life lately, long winter days are the perfect time to restart and begin new routines and habits. 
I did my research, and found some bloggers with expert tips for this winter season. I will definitely be trying these out, and you should too. 
Even if you start with one thing, your winter is bound to be the most enjoyable yet.


Song stuck in my head right now: Everybody Dance Now - C&C Music Factory

Friday, January 8, 2016

Life Update: Its Only 2016 Once

Hello! Yes yes, I know it has been a while but I have a lot to tell you about. The past few weeks I have been away on break. I left school 10 days early and flew with my family to Israel. We spent those days visiting family and friends, traveling the country, and eating a lot of food.

This vacation was also a very pivotal couple of weeks. Before we left our house for the airport, and I mean literally only a second before, I received my first college rejection. I was crushed, and spent the entire taxi ride and most of the plane ride in tears. I experienced all five stages of mourning throughout the course of the 13 hour plane ride. Fist came Denial, then Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally Acceptance. It took a bit longer then I would have hoped, but I got over it and I actually gained a lot of strength from it. To make it a bit easier, my mom and I decided a while back that if I got rejected from college then I would get a cake and eat my feelings. So we brought a whole cake onto the plane and I throughly enjoyed every bite of it.

Once we arrived in Israel, every bit of news I received on the trip (which was quite a bit) happened to have been good news! One piece of news was that I actually got in to The New School, and the more I think about it the more I am convinced that this is really the perfect school for me. It is a small university that specializes in interdisciplinary studies and really excels in art and media studies. Exactly what I was looking for in a school, and it is in New York City, the place where I really wanted to be!

If it interests anyone to see some of the photographs I took over the course of the trip, let me know and I would be happy to dedicate a post to some.

But now to the cliché portion of this post, new years resolutions. As you all know, the year is now 2016. What you should also know by now is that 16 is a very important number to me. I would go as far to say that it is my 'lucky' number. Of course there is this blog, Sixteen Once, my Birthday is August 16th, I am my school's class of 2016...and I could come up with a few more. That is why, I know for a fact that this year will be AMAZING! This is the year where I graduate high school. This is the year where I move away from home. This is the year where I start college. This is the year where I will end and begin two stories of my life. Thankfully this is all happening in the year 2016, because that number assures me that everything will be perfect. I can't wait to see what this year holds.


Song stuck in my head right now: Cry Me a River - Michael Bublé