Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY: Custom Laptop Skin

I recently had to throw out my laptop case because it was beginning to crack and got really dirty. I also threw it out because I started to get tired of the plain blue case I had before, so I decided to try something more creative. 
A couple weeks ago, I stumbled upon a video on youtube that somebody made explaining how she made her laptop skin. It seemed like a really cool idea so I decided to go for it. The website I used is called DecalGirl Which does custom skins for all types of devices. On the website you can upload any photo you like and the prices are pretty affordable, especially since they give you a 15% off coupon if you sign up with your email. 
I made a collage on photoshop, instead of just choosing one picture that would always be on my computer. For those who are familiar with photoshop, the dimensions advised by the website are 4992 (width) x 3328 pixels. If you don't have photoshop than some helpful alternatives to making a collage are GIMP, PicMonkey, or Paint (PC program). I can't explain these since I am not familiar with them, but the steps are really basic so each of these programs will have the capabilities.
After I made the collage all you have to do is follow the websites instructions, with is basically just picking the right device and uploading the picture. 
One other really great thing about the website is that when you order the skin you can pay through amazon or PayPal (if you choose) and then the shipping is really quick. 

Here is a 'step by step' in picture form (the collage part is for people using photoshop b/c that is what I used):

1. Open a new document in photoshop with the correct dimensions: 

4992 (width) x 3328 pixels

2. Add photos and just have fun designing whatever you want.
my final collage turned out looking like this

3. Save as jpg.

(don't forget to flatten the image)

4. Go to website and click on 'Create Your Own' at the top of the page: 

5. When you click on it, you will have to choose your device:

6. After that, I think the rest is pretty clear. then, days later you can enjoy the final product:


Song stuck in my head right now: We Are Young - Fun.

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