Friday, May 16, 2014

Helpful Tips: How to Create Your Daily Outfit

Life comes with many struggles. A lot of them revolve around physical appearance, like making sure your hair looks good, your face is clean and especially that your outfit is trendy and/or stylish. When I have to pick out my outfit for the day, there are a few things I keep in mind that make that decision a whole lot easier, and keep me from just wearing the same boring outfit all the time. I hope that these tips will help some of you to burst out of the habit of wearing the same things and kindle your creativity, because that is what being stylish is all about.

Tip #1: Check to see what the weather will be that day

What you wear, should not only look good but be functional. If you really want to wear that new skirt you just got but it is cold and rainy outside, maybe save the skirt for another day and wear pants instead. from that decision you just came up with two outfits (one for now and one for later). Also if you know what the weather is going to be going into the day, than you can eliminate a whole category of clothing not suitable for that weather. (P.S. there is a super handy weather app on all iPhones)

Tip #2: Pick one item you really want to wear

The second thing you should do after you know what the weather is like, is choose one garment that you are leaning towards and build the rest of the outfit around that. It doesn't necessary have to be a top, it could be pants, shoes or even an accessory. 

Tip #3: Find your style icon

(I love Emma Watson)

When creating an outfit I usually have an image in my head of what somebody else wore. Your style icon could be a celebrity but it could also be just someone you noticed on the street and really liked what they were wearing. This is super helpful for building on to tip #2 because you can replicate an outfit already created with the items you own.

Tip #4: Search for something old

A great way for finding something to wear if your stuck wearing the same things over and over again, is by finding something you haven't worn in a while and try to incorporate that into your outfit.

Tip #5: Your Outfit doesn't have to be complicated

 I feel like one really huge reason that people stress out about their outfits is because they think that a fashionable outfit has to be complicated and full of accessories and everything. The truth is, a simple outfit can be stylish too. Don't overthink what you wear because even simple basics can look amazing. But this leads me to the next and final tip...

Tip #6: The hair makes the outfit

Your hair is just as important as the rest of your outfit, if not more important. It is really important to have a hairstyle that coordinates with what you wear, like if you are wearing a top that is very busy I would suggest putting your hair up and vice versa. Also don't be afraid to be creative with your hairstyles. One of my pet peeves is when one person styles their hair the same way everyday. I know it is hard to find multiple hair styles that look good on you but the more times you take risks, the more likely it is that you will find what you like (that goes for clothing too).



Song stuck in my head right now: The Weight of Living Pt. 2 - Bastille

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