Friday, November 20, 2015

Life Update: A Social Introvert

If you were to ask me for three words I would use to describe myself, one of them would be introvertedMerriam-Webster dictionary defines an introvert as "a reserved or shy person". Literally, introvert means "to turn inward or in upon itself". In certain ways this word describes me perfectly, but in others it maybe goes too far over the line. I don't consider myself a shy person, at least not any more-so than most people. I find myself to be pretty comfortable with public speaking or performing. And yet, when it comes to social situations, I have avoided quite a few due to fear.
I often get nervous around new people because I never know what to say, and as a result I might just not say anything at all. In class, I am the type of person who thinks about what they are going to say before speaking, so when a class is full of louder personalities I tend to sit back and listen to conversations rather than join in. Even on the weekends, I normally prefer staying home and watching Netflix all day, rather than spending time with friends.
Even though I may be introverted most of the time, I still love being around my friends and being social. It just happens to be that because I choose to be alone with my thoughts more often than others, I don't spend as much time with friends and doing fun things. And I know I'm not alone in this.

So, from this day forward I have made myself a promise. When ever a situation arises, (whether it is with my friends and people I know, with people I have never met before, or anything in between) I will jump at the opportunity. I will not let Netflix keep me locked in my room anymore. I will not make up excuses to get out of a situation. And, most importantly, I will make an active effort to spend my last year at home with the people in my life. I will go out of my way to hang out with friends, and do things that I have never done before. 

If you can relate to anything that I have said, than make this oath with me. On the count of three say this out loud in defiance: 1...2...3... "I WILL!" (if you are ever so inclined, read my promises written above aloud as well). 


Song stuck in my head right now: Summer Lovin' - Grease

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