Friday, October 23, 2015

Look Book: Less Than Preppy Collar

I have recently re-discovered my love for etsy. There are so many creative people selling their art, and there is always something for everyone. Two years ago, I ordered about 50 handmade personalized leather bracelets for a bunch of camp friends and they were the coolest things. The was the last purchase I made from etsy till a couple of weeks ago. I found this brand 'Neat.' that makes collar vests, a unique version of a dickie. You could technically wear the vest over a shirt, but the main idea is to get that preppy collar look, without the extra material underneath. I wore my peter pan collar under two different sweaters, and discovered how comfortable it was. I was worried that the collar wouldn't fit right or wouldn't actually fit under my sweaters, but it was perfect. I think the idea is so creative, they are so well made, and the designers are from Tel Aviv, Israel! You should all go check them out!


Song stuck in my head right now: All You Need Is Love - Beatles

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