Friday, July 10, 2015

Favorites: My Lunches in SOHO

Chobani SOHO
On the corner of Prince and W Broadway is a cafe that serves food all based with Chobani yogurt with a Greek twist. I got Chobani yogurt with peanut butter, peanuts, grape jelly, and sliced grapes. Sweet and savory at the same time.

The Cupping Room
Slightly on the expensive side if your just going for lunch alone, but super delicious. It was mainly brunch food so I got Eggs Florentine with fries. 

Hampton Chutney Co.
South Indian inspired food. Their main dish is their super long Dosas, but I opted for a tomato, mozzarella, and avocado salad with tomato basil dressing (basically a tomato basil mozzarella sandwich but as a salad).

The Frog's Crown Bakery
Serves empanadas, pastries, and other Latin dishes. It's an adorably small cafe with minimal seating, and decorated with many "frog prince" painting and sculptures. I ordered two empanadas that were perfectly filling.

Vive La Crepe
Who doesn't like crepes? I normally go for nutella crepes but the savory crepes at Vive La Crepe looked so much more appetizing, and I sure wasn't wrong... but I'll probably go back for some nutella ;)


Song stuck in my head right now: Creep - Radiohead

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